The Avengers: Age of Ultron ****Now with Spoilers in living Technicolor***

This hit last Tuesday. I forgot about this thread, but I figured you guys might (will) enjoy it. Some concept art:

Scarlet Witch

Quicksilver (in a proper costume tearing up an army of Ultron drones)

And the pièce de résistance...we've been waiting a LONG time for this:

Also, we need to stick around during the credits for Captain America. We may (or may not, if you prefer to remain blissfully unaware) meet a few characters that tie directly into Avengers: Age of Ultron.

EDIT: And wouldn't you know, as soon as I posted that, this came up on Twitter. First looks at Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson in character filming in Italy.

More pictures, and dare I say...a pre-special effects half-practical Ultron?