arrested for saggy pants in LA.

I see "underwear exposed" on the Crowley arrest report from time to time. Talk about ridiculous! Especially when the town of roughly 15,000 had 5-6 murders last year, conservatively.

Saggy pants are ridiculous and tough to look at in some cases. I don't think it's something that should be legislated and it only accomplishes stoking racist tendencies among those already racist segments of the population IMO

I'm glad we can just ban things now because we don't like looking at them. It's about time America got over that whole "freedom" nonsense.

Next, let's ban shoes with more than two colors on them. Oh, and cornrows too.

And don't you DARE think about raising my taxes to fund the extra law enforcement needed for this.

So saggy pants are only found with certain races? You both seem to want to steer the conversation in that direction.

I have zero issues with the law and it being enforced. I work in schools. Sagging pants is not race specific. It is a ridiculous fad that needs to go away. Wear pants that fit or get a belt. No one needs to see your under-roos.