Do you ever wonder how far along we are in our understanding of science?

I gotta believe we're barely further along than the caveman was with their discovery of the wheel. Sure we've made some progress in the areas of medicine and engineering. But I'm not so sure we are as advanced as people commonly think.

For example, we haven't figured out how to transport matter from one place to another thousands of miles away. We haven't figured out this whole gravity thing. As Ben Franklin theorized, some day there will be anti-gravity devices to easily move people and items through space. One day we will develop cures for the common cold, AIDS, Coronary disease, blindness, deafness, etc.

One day we will travel faster than the speed of light. We will be able to cure medical ailments without using a knife or making a cut. Knowlege transfer and communication will happen through thoughts versus the written or spoken word. We will develop sophisticated devices to stop suspected criminals from long ranges that do not require a metal bullet.

And I'm sure there are thousands...scratch that...millions of new technologies that will be developed during the next few thousand years. Don't think of this as a glass half full post, but rather one that attempts to place our current development as a society along a science and technology continuum.