Preparing a ham??

This is not as "pretty", but it is super tasty. Makes a great New Year's Day meal. (Baked hams are too salty for my taste.) Best done over a 2-day period.
Boil the ham for several hours or until it is easy to separate the ham into pieces. Save the pot of ham water in the fridge and remove the fat from the top once it has chilled. Meanwhile, remove all the fat, gristle and bone from the ham and discard.
On serving day, divided the ham and water into 2 pots and bring to a boil. Have the following veggies washed and peeled (if needed), ready to boil.
Potatoes (peeled if you wish), corn on the cob, onions, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, turnips, cabbage and strips of bell peppers.
Start with the corn, onions and potatoes if they are large.
After about 1/2 hour, add the rest of the veggies and boil until done to your taste.
Note, no salt was added-the ham water both flavors and salts the veggies.
Strain or lift with slottled spoon onto platters and serve. Pass butter, cheese sauce and hot sauce for those who desire them. Corn bread goes nicely with this. If you are superstitious and have to have black eyes for New Year's, serve them on the side.
Leftovers can be made into a great cream soup.
I have known people who use salt pork to do this, but I prefer the ham.