What Was The Best Decade To Grow Up In??

The 1960's, El Lay by far. I wasnt born then and wasnt alive at the time, but IMHO that decade rocked, it had anything you wanted and you got away with everything too, no AIDS too, the sexual revolution was coming alive and it is still is radical even from today's standpoint, you had Vietnam, the Civil Rights movement, the whole countercutlture, rock music was going thrugh a radical change, drugs like LSD were just exploding into appearance.

It may have been a turbulent decade, but you know it redefine our country in a way. It was a very crazy time and people dont seem to how to understand it een now,

But thats the decade I think I would want to live in, it was a pretty wild decade.

As conservative As I am now, I think the 60's were a thing that should have happened. A lot of things hads to happen and to end in tis country, things like segregation and racism the open kind at least in politics.

Thats a pretty importnat thing to be remembered by if you ask me.

Wasnt easy but it had to be that way you know.