N/S Packers vs Vikings

I concede. You are correct. Still frustrating. I and a lot of other people thought coming in to this season, the Packers tonight, would be what we would look like. But trust me, I will take any win. 3-2 if that is what it takes. at least I would know the defense showed up.

Wasn't poking at you for being negative. Was just saying these Thursday Night games are the equivalent of preseason games that count. They are absolutely meaningless in regards to a team's ability. It gives the home team a massive advantage and gives the road team as close to an automatic loss as it gets.

If you take out the Giants blow out of the Redskins last week since the Giants and Eli have always played better on the road. The home team in the other 4 Thursday games have won 160-30. That is an average score of 40-7. That is also assuming the packers don't score anymore.