National Geographic article about New Orleans

A good long article that I dont think has been posted yet.

Yeah Garland on WWL radio had an interview with a Senior NGM rep and while garland had some good points the National geographic Rep was stern with his answers and careful he also had alot of good points, but what he kinda went blank on when garland brought up the fact that The US Depends on Louisiana for a 5th of it's natural and Crude oil to supply the country and it would cost Probably in the Trillions if nothing is done and The wetlands are allowed to continue to vanish leaving New Orleans Vulnerable to being wiped off the Map completely if another storm hits it in the next 40-100 years.

Right now they are estimating it'll cost about 50 to 60 Billion and if they start now it could possibly be lower, right now pipe line "Thousands of pipe is exposed and could be hit by ships or anything else and could be hard to get to eventually.

Congress /Bush have yet to get anything laid down and signed, there seems to be a question in Congress weather they should even bother Putting Money into New Orleans.
Alot of Reps haven't done any research to find how The Country is Benefiting from the existence of New Orleans other than it's Ports that can easily be moved somewhere else like Texas.

The National Geographic rep feels the sticker shock should effect the congress, it's weather or not to even bother rebuilding and from what alot of strong research shows, if New Orleans Rebuild the same way it has been for decades after major storms, The next one could be the Final Straw and be the Nail in the coffin to seal the Deal, Congress is looking out for the best interest of the US Tax payers, When New Orleanians are ready to Change things money will come soring into town!
New Orleans could be build bigger and Better and be the Gem in the Gulf if The City is Up for change, They would have to allow for Huge Dams, even Higher Razing Ordinances and Complete Infrastructure change along with possibly Changing the Entire Foot print of New orleans, the 9th ward would have to be turned into mostly green space so commercial and residential can survive.

New Orleans.. you really need to sit and think about the future if you want the city to be backed by the rest of the country, It's either Stick to your old ways and fend for yourself or Be Open for change and Get a Huge Helping hand, You have to stop trying to be your own Damn Country and Be a part of Every other American City now.