National Geographic article about New Orleans

I kinda stopped reading the article after the global warming comment. :rolleyes:

As for the oil infrastructure - I guess the big companies are worried (Now!) about what effect the sinking of the marshes is having on their pipeline systems, etc. It would be MUCH cheaper for the wetlands to be restored and those systems maintained - than pulling up stakes and moving the operation elsewhere. There really is no other 'elsewhere' to go!

Garland missed a great point, though. They talked about the amazing engineering feats these oil companies accomplish. How about letting THEM restore Louisiana's wetlands. It's not like they didn't have a hand (understatement) in damaging them in the first place!!! Sounds like a win-win. Oil companies have the biggest investment and the most to lose if (when) the wetlands disappear. Combined with their superb engineering talent and record profits - hey, get to work!!!