National Geographic article about New Orleans

The cover reads "Should we rebuild New Orleans?".......or a variation of that (I don't have a copy with me). That's what I was referring to.

We also made the cover of Time Magazine. I have a copy but have not had the time to read it yet. The cover reads: Special Report: Why New Orleans still isn't safe. Two years after Katrina, this floodwall (photo of pathetic looking levee and floodwall) is all that stands between New Orleans and the next hurricane. It's pathetic. How a perfect storm of big-money politics, shoddy engineering and environmental ignorance is setting up the city for another catastrophe.

Oh, well, if i let myself get worked up about the media making money and journalists gaining fame and prizes and selling books on the backs of our misfortune, i'd be all mad all the time.

There's a lot of truth in that article, even if it hurts. but it is mostly about the levee system and the MRGO and how people who are there, are adamant about being there, and are not going to give up.