National Geographic article about New Orleans

i just think that's an important message to get out there to the national/international audience.

That people in New Orleans are not just a bunch of fools who had the power to build/repair their own levees, and just diddled around.

That the clearance to build in low areas came with the ringing endorsement of city zoning administrators, planners, and investors, with developers "laughing all the way to the bank" as this article does point out.

A lot of things i see make me really mad, but i force myself to at least skim them just so i know what people around me are being fed about New Orleans. i need to know what points are going to be brought up, so that i am ready to refute them.

If people in Pennsylvania and Virginia and California read stuff like this and remember what it was like for them in their "safe" areas when they were washed out by a flood, and consider whether THEY wanted to pick up and take their chances in a "safer" place (as if anyplace is "safe"), it might get some understanding out there.

If everybody just packed up and moved to a 'safe' place, Salem, Oregon would have a population of 300 million.