National Geographic article about New Orleans

What about those two paragraphs is not true?

We are not just bumping the levees up a little bit higher and calling it a day. There is a whole lot more going on than that both in terms of flood protection and coastal restoration. A lot of it is still on the ground floor, but it is happening, which is vastly different than the past 40 years. Abolishing the levee board fiefdoms and replacing them with real engineers is just a small example. Elsewhere, the article implies that the entire city is below sea level, a myth that will not die - even in National Geographic!

Perhaps I'm just overly sensitive to the subject, but the entire article seems to suggest that's its a fool's errand and that the work going on is just window dressing.

Personally, I think south LA is better off than South Florida or other "low lying areas" - like NYC and Washington, DC. We at least have the capacity, the will and (maybe) the money to actually create new land around us. When Miami goes under, that's it.