National Geographic article about New Orleans

I think you lost me.
Do think that when Joe America reads that paragraph in the article, he's going to say, "Hey,, who cares what the 'experts' think? I want to help those plucky folks in New Orleans that are in total denial about their pathetic levees! Where do I send the check?"

You think this article is HELPFUL to our cause? By making us look like we have our head's buried in the sand (actually, whiskey bottle)?

I'm all for spreading the word about what happened and why. Just dont paint us as idiots.

And, IMO, reflexively torching the Corps at every turn does nothing but erode people's confidence in the recovery.

What I want is BALANCED reporting. That's all.

What would you have considered to be BALANCED reporting, that wouldn't be a fabrication or inaccurately rosy?

i mean, who's missing here, and what would you have wanted them to say? We can write to Natl Geo and point it out. Seriously. They will be doing follow-ups and in the follow-ups, whoever's missing from this piece can be contacted.

i am sure at least one letter to the editor will arise from this article.

The worst thing that can happen until the ship is righted, is apathy. The fact that New Orleans is still getting cover stories when there are plenty of other, newer issues going on is good IMO.

It reminds whoever sees it, even if they don't buy the magazine or read the article, that this happened to Americans and any American could be next.