National Geographic article about New Orleans

Ways it coud've been better

1) they could've gotten their facts right in about a dozen different places, on everything from all of the City being below sea level to their assertion that congress has not acted re: MR-GO. Just some basic journalism.

2) the could've presented alternative viewpoints thanto Drs. Bea and Van Hjeerdan, aside from the one guy they throw in at the very end, described as the "rare" scientist that doesnt think we are hosed. They exist.

3) Avoid loaded words. "... another such disaster is inevitable, and nothing short of a massive and endless national commitment can prevent it.

4) Don't lead with the guy that wants to sell us to Disney and move all the people out.

5) Explain exactly what is being done for flood protection, rather than just blithely (and incorrectly) calling it "bumping up the levees a little bit higher," and implying we havent learned a thing.

If these things are too much to ask, then just leave the topic alone.