National Geographic article about New Orleans

But we're not responsible for the levees, Congress deemed. The Corps is. i'm still waiting for any solid indication that the Corps has learned ANYTHING. That's not based on a limited exposure to outlets like National Geographic et al, either.

It is important to separate the actions of the Corps from the will of the community. Much of the community has learned a LOT from this. i agree with you that THAT could be played up.

Infrastructure maintenance is massive and it is endless. Hurricanes are inevitable. If you can figure out some way to stop or divert one, then i want to get in on the ground floor of that operation :)

We had a decent protection in the form of a few hundred miles of coastline. It's just as important to put that back as it is to be focused on levees. If i was going to change anything about the article, it would be that i'd mention that a little more.

The guy that wants to sell us to Disney is obviously quoted for shock value. Journalism 101.

What IS being done for flood protection besides pumping stations and levees?