Lil Wayne at the dome in packers' gear

I think he's been a Packers fan for a while. In fact, I think he rooted for the Vikings in NFC Champ game because of Favre.

I don't care for his music of the fact that he's not a Saints fan...but I admire that he publicly supports the team he loves in a hostile environment.

The Packers and Favre were my 2nd team growing up when we weren't good. Everyone I know had a 2nd team in those days, but I was still a Saints fan above all, and I quickly lost 2nd team once we resembed a functioning organization capable of fielding somewhat of a contended - the Brooks/Haslett days basically.

I was also a Lil' Wayne fan until The Carter III. That album sucks for the most part, and I also moved on from enjoying his music. Learning what and why one should like things is all a part of growing up. Lil' Wayne needs to grow up... actually I could care less what he does.