The Recipe Thread [tm--CajunCook]

Cakemix Bon Bons
Makes7 doz bite size pieces
1 box double or tripple chocolate cake mix baked according to directionss and crumbled
1 can dark chocolate icing
1 cup finely chopped pecans
1 1/2 - 2 bags dark chocolate chips
1 - 1 1/2 block canning wax (found in canning supplies area of grocery..often called Gulf Wax)
(see other optional ingredients for variations)
Crumble cake in large mixing bowl
Mix in frosting and finely chopped nuts.
Shape into desired bon bon size.
Place on cookie sheets and freeze for 1-2 hours.
Melt chocolate chips in double boiler with canning wax..
dip bon bons into melted chips/wax mixture.
Place on cookie sheets covered with wax paper.
Store in tightly closed airtight container to keep away the "ants".

Optional: Sprinkle with chopped pecans or drizzle with white chocolate.
Get creative… use german chocolate cake and add coconut to bonbons along with frosting or use coconut frosting.
Wrap bon bons around candied fruit or well drained maraschino cherries
Mix peanut butter and confectioners sugar until firm enough to roll into a ball. Then wrap the peanut butter balls with the bon bon mixture and coat with chocolate after freezing.
Instead of chocolate, use white chocolate bark, or andes mint chocolate chips as the mix with the wax for the coating.
Make with white cake or angel food (may have to use less frosting ) and flavor with almond, mint, maple or other favorite flavor and coat with white bark, or crushed nuts and confectioners sugar …coat heavy as moisture in bonbon will moisten sugars.
These make a large amount of candies per batch, therefore it makes for a nice "variety pack" to use for gift giving around the holidays.
At holiday time, add pink or green food coloring to the almond bark… green for mint flavor and pink for almond flavor.
Send samples to CAJUNCOOK!