Arrow - Spoilers galore

Hmm. While I did think it proper that Ollie get taken to task, I thought it was a lousy fight scene. Ollie looked like a spazz for most of it and from the very beginning. That's not how it should have looked. It should have looked like Ra's Al-Ghul had amazing moves. Instead, he mostly stood there while Ollie swatted around as if he'd never handled a sword before. Terrible and highly disappointing choreography for what should have been an epic fight sequence. Is the Ra's actor simply no good at fight scenes?

We all know Stephen Amell was hired more for his excellent physical skills and stunt ability than for his mediocre acting skills, so why on earth stage him looking amateurish in what is a pivotal scene to the series? He should have been at the top of his game, but Ra's just better. It should have been a fight sequence for the ages. Instead, it was a lame effort because they had Ollie look goofy instead of Ra's look amazing. The director and the fight choreographer should have been fired after the producers/studio saw the finished product.

From what I have read, it was the actor who plays Ra's who couldn't keep up and that kind of made a mess of the fight. Amell forced into bad choreography and a bad job at hiding stunt doubles for Ra's hurt the scene for sure. I still liked the episode and the twist though.