The Pro Dumpster Diver Who’s Making Thousands Off America’s Biggest Retailers
Back in 97, I knew a guy who worked at a plumbing warehouse in Baton Rouge. When they had damaged items, they just threw them in the dumpster. I had a truck, so he would call me periodically when some good things were thrown away.
They would have small chips or dents.. tubs, sinks, toilets, etc.. we would split the findings.
If it wasn't something I wanted to keep, I would sell using the classifieds. But one time be called me and was overly excited. They had thrown away 2 American Standard Jetted 6foot porcelain tubs. Still in the crates, but the piping was damaged. It took us a while to get those heavy suckers out. For $50 in parts, it was in perfect working condition. My parents still have it in the main bathroom in their house, along with a porcelain double sink in their kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom sink.. I was disappointed when he left that job..