Arrow - Spoilers galore

They're apparently going with the explanation that he didn't actually die, but that the freezing cold weather kept his blood loss low and put him into a near death coma.

I find that to be a rather cheese ball explanation, especially considering how far that fall off the cliff was. If getting stabbed didn't do him in, the fall most certainly would have shattered every bone in his body. So either they're saving the reveal for later, or that's the actual explanation. There have certainly been less plausible things happen in comic books and comic book properties over the years, so it won't stop be from liking the show, but it's still not great writing.

Anyway, I thought the Brick stuff got wrapped up way too quick. Everything about this last episode felt rushed. There was some good stuff in it (I lol'd at Cpt. Lance immediately knowing that Arsenal was Roy and Roy sheepishly turning off his voice distortion device), but overall it seemed like they tried to do too much in too little time and nothing got the time to breathe it deserved.

And I'll be honest: I get that they need narrative conflict, but Felicity not understanding or not caring about the magnitude of threat Ra's al Ghul and the League possess and whining incessantly about Oliver violating his code was a little grating. Especially after he had literally moments before convinced Malcolm not to kill Brick.

I did like the little speech to the city, though. The transition from vengeance to vigilante to outright hero is a slow march, but it was another step to him eventually being Green Arrow.