2015 LSU spring football thread

One of the things that I like about Les is how he sticks with a guy, even if they struggle. The way that teams swap players around in a desperate attempt to find a "spark" is ridiculous and almost never results in improvement. In fact, it just leads to more disarray. It's only recently that coaches have taken this approach as if they've forgotten that they're professionals and not fans on a message board.

I have been accused of being arrogant, but I'm not as you guys who think that from your view on the couch once a week that you are better informed of who the better QB was than Miles or Cameron.

While I certainly don't understand why Harris didn't see playing time towards the end of the season as he did at the beginning I'm sure the coaches had their reasons. Harris showed some real playmaking ability this year in spots. What I can't seem to forget, unlike many of you is that he also had the single worst two performance this year as well versus Wisconsin and Auburn. Many will point to those games as isolated instances and that most freshman would also perform poorly. To that I say, "Exactly my point".

Harris' time will come and I think he will be the best QB LSU has had in a long time. Hopefully he distances himself from Jennings this Spring. If not, then I hope Jennings takes a "Dak Prescott-like" leap soon.

Sticking with your guy is one thing, but I can't think of a single reason why Harris shouldn't have gotten playing time in the last 3 games. LSU was playing for nothing except for a spot in a crappy bowl over a spot in another crappy bowl. Harris should have been given several series in all of those games. That's why people are nervous. This looks like Jefferson all over again. No matter how bad he plays, he never gets pulled and not only that, the other guy gets no reps.