Arrow - Spoilers galore

This last episode was really good. I was very happy that League of Assassins DJ Bro died, although I would have preferred Merlyn put an arrow in his head because wow was he hateable. The last couple of episodes have gone a long way towards resolving a lot of issues I've had with this season.

Re: Thea taking it *too* well, this has crossed my mind, too, and it's certainly plausible that there's something else going on. However, I'm mostly just reading it as her past anger at Oliver for his lies and failures came from a place where she genuinely believed he was just a loser and screw up who could never get it right, and seeing that it was really because of the fact that he's The Arrow made her retroactively re-evaluate everything for the better.

Something else: over the last two episodes, I've noticed that some characters are pronouncing it "Raysh Al Ghul" while others are pronoucing it "Rahz Al Ghul." I find this funny, as this is a very old debate amongst comic fans. For what it's worth, there's not really a right answer. It would be pronounced closer to the latter in Arabic and closer to the former in Hebrew. Denny O'Neil, who created the character, always intended it to be "Raysh," but plenty of DC media has used "Rahz" over the years, too. Just wondering if that was intentional on their part or just the actors reading it differently.