SNL's 40th Anniversary Special

Miley Cyrus as the first musical guest? Very odd choice. Even odder was (even weirder to write) she was actually good with her rendition of "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover".

So what were your thoughts?

She actually wasn't the first musical guest, Paul McCartney did Maybe I'm Amazed first...... And I thought it was odd that they let Cyrus butcher a Paul Simon song when Paul Simon was actually *there*and could've performed the song himself.. Incidentally, I thought Simon doing Still Crazy After All These Years was the *perfect* way to end the show.. Yes, I am old and white.

In re. To the show overall, I thought it was a very enjoyable 3.5 hrs, my main critique is that they tried to squeeze in too much, to the point where you wanted much, much more of whichever clip or tidbit they showed.. They should have left out more, and spent more time on the bits they did choose.. Oh, and less Kanye West would have been very very welcome.