What is your favorite part of history to read/learn about?

I absolutely love reading about WW2 and watching documentaries. I find my self more interested in the war in Europe than in the pacific. I even preferred band of brothers over pacific. I also enjoy reading about it from other countries perspectives.

...NOLA history....ancient...Rome. Before the History channel fell apart completely....

It's really a tragedy what's become of the History Channel...like MTV but a thousand times worse given the potential for it.

For me it's WWII and the American Civil War.

When I was younger (college) it was the American Revolution and the War of 1812.

Naval History, and particularly that during the era of the wooden warships. I know way too much about the war against the Barbary Pirates 200 years ago. names like William Bainbridge, Edward Preble, Stephen Decatur, and Thomas Truxtun fascinate me :hihi:

John Paul Jones, Trafalgar, the Battle of the Nile, the Battle of the Saintes...

The above covers it for me. As with saintmdterps, wooden ships and iron men are at the top of my list and have been since I first read C.S. Forester when I was 12 years old.

Hey saintmdterps, have you read Six Frigates? Really excellent. Boutros, you might like it also. My next book is one on Cochrane -- trying to find the time to get to it.