
Do you guys really think it is fair to compare one cb after facing Carson Palmer and Chad Johnson with blown coverage by the safety to another CB that played Michael Vick and Roddy White? If I recall Fred Thomas had the best game any corner on our team has had this season the first time the Saints played the Falcons. Man, just two weeks ago I was reading about how Craft sucks, we miss Thomas, etc.

Glad you all aren't GM's or coaches.

If the Bengals game was the only time Thomas had been abused this year, then yeah I'd say its an unfair comparison.

Thomas and Craft are both pretty bad corners. The difference is Thomas is slow and can't cover man to man anymore. Craft is fast and can still stay with people to cover them. Does that mean hes a good corner? No. He looks in the backfield to much but at least you know he has the athletic ability to cover, Thomas no longer does with his bad hammy.