Jury duty is a wonderful thing

There were a few people in the pool that were advising me to seem as partial as possible to be taken out of the jury during the questioning phase before trial. That's really wrong to me. I also remember them saying that attorneys normally don't pick other attorneys or physicians to be jurors. Why is that?

Yes, some people try to game the system by answering questions in a way to be excluded from jury service. It's easily spotted by the attys and the judge. In most cases I have been in we all decide to let the juror go, no side typically wants a juror who doesn't care. There are exceptions, a criminal defense atty may strategically want an apathetic juror.

Each side can challenge any juror they want for cause and each side usually has six or so challenges they can use on any juror. Attorneys, physicians and executives can be scary jurors for either side. If selected to a panel they can unduly influence others on the panel during deliberations. One side or the other may not want to take the chance that one juror has to much influence.