Jury duty is a wonderful thing

I tried a jury trial in Baton Rouge last month. 12 people plus an alternate gave my client a week of their lives to help determine what he was fairly owed after someone's mistake altered his life in a very bad way.

I told them in thanking them for their service that the three most American things one can do is serve in the military, vote and serve on a jury.

If you live long enough it evens out. You may serve on a jury and give your time. You or a family member may get hurt or be the victim of a crime and a jury gives you their time.

I have been called a couple times for jury duty but never selected. I think I could be a fair juror and hope to take my turn one day.

I have tried many criminal and many civil cases over the years. You read a lot of stories about how messed up the system is. Ours is the best in the world. Every jury I have ever had, win or lose, has taken the responsibility very seriously and has worked very hard to try to do the right thing.
Well, the jury system is broken, and is broken badly. Here's my story, and why I no longer serve as a juror.....ever!

About 10 years ago I was called for jury duty. At that time I was in San Diego, and I called the judge trying to talk to him about not being able to make it. He told me, if I don't show up, an arrest warrant will be issued against me, and he said is up to me to make it back in time. I had to spend about $1200 for the airplane tickets, with the judges assurance that he will guarantee that I get my money back.

So I made it back in time, just to hear that the court had let the accused free the evening before the trial, and he ran away, all the way back to Mehiko! I asked the judge....where's my money? The judge said, that b/c the accused ran away, I'm out of luck, and I will not get my money back.

Fast forward to this year, and in April I received another letter from the court, asking me for jury duty again. This time I told them that I'm a biased individual, and will certainly vote guilty, no matter if the accused is or isn't guilty. I told them they better reconsider b/c I won't change my mind no matter what. That answer did not sit well with the clerk, so when I told her the reason why I feel this way, she agreed to take me off jury duty forever. That was exactly what I wanted. As far as I'm concerned the court still owns me the money I spent and the judge assured me that I will be reimbursed..... Which was a lie.

I no longer believe in this court system. I think they release criminals at will, and when they run away, they wash their hands of the matter, like nothing happened. It stinks, and I want no part of it.