Jury duty is a wonderful thing

What I see in this thread is a wildly inconsistent system. I have been called several times up here in two different counties--and even there, procedures have varied. Recently, I was on the list for Albany but with a very high number and so didn't even have to report. In Albany, it's pretty much impossible to park, so you have to get on a sloooooow moving bus to get to the downtown court houses. In Colonie, where I live, no problem: free parking and plenty of it. Right there is a serious discrepancy. In Troy, I had to park blocks away. It would have literally taken me hours to get to that courthouse by bus. Sometimes, you can bring a book or a smart phone. (I was tempted to bring "The Runaway Jury" if I had had to report this time. :hihi: ) In Troy years ago, I had a lot of papers to grade and was prevented from doing so. Given the echo-chamber acoustics in that room, I could hear very little of the questioning.

I would have been interesting in serving, but now I'm off for six years. I'm not sure that the attorneys will be very interested in a 73-year-old. :covri:

People would be much more willing to serve if some of these issues were to get resolved. Provide parking for downtown courthouses. Don't call teachers during the school year. Have consistent policies for what you can and cannot bring to the courtroom. Above all, don't waste potential jurors' time.