Do online games like World of Warcraft lead to bad parenting?

I'm sure there are a lot of parents who game and will take offence to this questions, but this is a problem within my extended family and wanted to see other thoughts.

I have a relative who has been a parent for 12 years now and about 3 years ago he got involved with World of Warcraft. Prior to that he was always an involved parent and he was always at family gatherings or doing things with his children. This past year has been the worst so far. His marriage is on the verge of collapse and most of us hardly ever see him. The last family gathering led to his wife breaking down before a few of us as she told us how he doesn't pay attention to them when he is playing.

I realize this is most likely a character flaw rather than the game being to blame. But prior to this, he really was a good father and husband.


Sounds like he escaping the "mundane" thru gaming.

Family/Parenting can be "mundane" in some aspects. ( Lord know if i gotta tell my kids one more time "will you PLEASE pick up your clothes off the floor", i may just join World of Warcraft)

But that comes WITH parenting/family.

I used to be same way with the whole Medal of Honor/Battlefield series. But i made it a point to play once my wife and kids were asleep ( 8-9pm til). Furthermore it was years ago. ( in my mid/late 30s )

Looks like he wanted a little escape and got too involved.

Guess it could be worse...drugs/drinking/infidelity.