Cutting the cable, lets talk options and media setups

Pick and choose the best bundle for you. If you need sling tv for ESPN, you can do without netflix or prime or hulu. SlingTV (which I do not take part in) is a much cheaper solution for people only picking up espn for the football season, and they can cancel in 4 months. But if you need cable TV to fit your need or ALL the streaming services on the internet, than it may be cheaper for you to just stick with cable. Sling TV, plus Netflix, Amazon, Hulu ($20, $7.99, $8.25, $7.99) is 44.23 per month subtract that from 139.00, and that leaves you 94.77 to find internet service for cable. Subtract it from 80 if you got the DTV route and your left with 35.77 to find internet. But most people already have the internet and need it regardless of set up so your paying for that anyway.

I pay 46.23 for Verizon high speed DSL, Netflix, and Prime (I've had prime since its inception, and I got it mainly for the free 2 day shipping, I'd be paying for prime even without the streaming so the fact that its evolved down this path is win win in my book). I have an HD antenna to pick up local stations for free.

I'll say this though, if you did subscribe for Netflix, Slingtv, Hulu, prime there will be MUCH more content than your getting from your cable or direct TV combined.

EDIT: math was wrong

SuperQuincy for the win.

I'm going with your first option listed when my directv contract expires next month. I'm going to suspend the account instead of canceling it so that in the event I want it back, all I need to do is call them and have it turned back on. Since I'm already paying for internet, netflix, hulu, and prime, switching directv to sling tv is the easiest and most cost effective manner of trying this out.