At Training Camp - Joke or Not Funny At All [THREAD CLOSED]

I didn't mean to come off as condescending, but if I'm being honest, I absolutely think it's childish. When a kid shows off his autographs to his friends he's cool, if an adult shows off his autographs to his friends he seems, well, desperate. It just doesn't make sense to me. It's just a strange ritual to ask someone for proof of meeting them. Maybe I'm just not sentimental in regards to things like that.

Is that the point of getting autographs? Is to show them off? I guess I'm doing it wrong lol.

I like having autographs because it feels like a connection with the actual player.

Sorry if that makes me sound desperate or whatever other insults you'd care to say. But to me, autographs are about the memory of actually meeting a player, not to try and showboat for friends or whatever. I guess maybe I'm different from most that collect autographs.