Goodell keeps getting hammered

Nothing will ever make up for that bounty fiasco.

But I thought I'd never want to hear about it again, and now that's changed. I like the fact that it keeps coming up. Nothing will bring our picks back or our coach back or that season back.

Nothing can be done about that.

But, going forward, the fact that it's really the starting point for the Commissioner's fraudulent and irresponsible and megalomaniacal and arbitrary handling of the league is at least a bit satisfying. Many people see the fraud of the bountygate and will point to his ineptness and his lack of concern for truth or transparency, to the point of having a former Commissioner step in and contradict him publicly.

I've gone from not wanting to hear about it at all to wanting them to bring it up every possible opportunity because now it serves as an albatross around his neck.

The word you are looking for is "vindication" :9: and I agree 100%. I am following this as hard as I ever did Bountygate near the end. Nothing would make me happier than to see Goodell go down in flames.