At Training Camp - Joke or Not Funny At All [THREAD CLOSED]

So it's ok for Coleman to disrespect the guy (and waste his time) by signing a jersey that clearly wasn't intended for him to sign, because, well, men shouldn't be wearing other men's jerseys anyway. Also, because you don't value the jersey to the extent that the owner of that jersey did, that makes the prank "harmless" or "funny".

I'm beginning to think several people in this thread are seriously unable to wrap their heads around the fact that this really isn't even really about the jersey....the jersey just happened to play a role in it. In their minds, Brandon Coleman did nothing disrespectful, and that guy got what he deserved for being an autograph-seeking jersey-wearing adult male. Therefore, he just needs to get over it, because he is "owed" nothing. Like I said previously........Brandon is just a kid, so I don't fault him for incorrectly thinking this was all one big funny joke..........but some of these mid 30-year olds on upward parroting the same thing is just pretty sad.

Yep, I think it's harmless. Because:

1. I don't get men buying other men's jerseys. And:
2. The INTENT behind the prank. Coleman was not saying to himself "hey self, let's go be a jerk to the fans today who spent X amount of money on a jersey." It was a prank and he apologized.
3.Some people place too much value on material things.