What to make of this quote from the Father?
If I remember correctly, in both the Martin (which wasn't an officer involved shooting) and the Brown case, it took some time before the national media actually picked it up and cared.
Now that it's become a hot topic, they're much quicker to report on cops killing unarmed black kids, but that's still not always the case. It it still usually takes a couple of weeks
In any case, 16 days isn't that long between the incident and it getting national coverage. It seems like a claim of false reverse discrimination. Why even focus on that right now?
On the actual incident, why are cops even setting up stings for Marijuana bust of individual buyers? Not only is it stupid, but it's a waste of resources. If the kid was shot in the back, this cop should go to jail. Absolutely no justification for that. Even less so to bust some kids buying weed.