The Vick Gesture (MERGED AGAIN x4)

I love that board. These are some of the responses:

1) Do you blame him, his receivers stink.

What exactly do the receivers have to do with flipping off the fans?

2) The Saints deserved it for running up the score.

Huh? and Huh?

3) He's talented he can do whatever he wants, nothing in his contract says he has to behave.

Oh my lord. Do we have Saints fans that are this stupid? I guess we might.

If you look in those pictures though, there's a kid with a Vick jersey on and he's with his Dad and while I don't think Vick is flipping off this kid (the kid looks like he is waving to Vick) I would be a ticked off father if that was me and my son. The Falcons would be paying for my season tickets next season.