the VG board football thread

Only two of those 4 plays were in the red zone and you don't even know if they were screen passes.

The other two were at the end of the game VS Prevent Defense. As stated multiple times already and in that specific post, Mr. Lawyer. I know for a fact the Final two plays vs Prevent Defense listed were screens, and the one to Khiry Robinson was a screen. I questioned the second one in the red zone that I listed. But since we are playing Lawyer, I will have to refrain from admitting it into evidence.

We made it to the red zone 5 times, once on 3rd and 3 at the 19- we ran a Fade over Peterson, which was very questionable play call a well. Once we scored. Twice we threw screens on 3rd down. 3 of 5 times we had a questionable call on 3rd down without re watching the tape.