The next two games (Philly, ATL)

Its not that we're such a bad team and ATL is such a good team... we're just YOUNG.

I saw a graphic recently (may have been the Cowboys game) that showed the total number of snaps by rookies, and the Saints had over 600 snaps by rookies, which led the NFL. The next closest team in that stat had a little over 300 snaps by rookies. 300+ more snaps than the next closest team.

Now for ATL... they could easily be 1-3 right now,

- they beat Philly by 2 (game-saving INT off the hands of Jordan Matthews)
- they came back on NYG (NYG gave up a 10-point lead AGAIN)
- Dallas was destroying them... until the Cowboys decided to forget how to play football, and allowed Julio and Freeman go ballistic on them

We can beat Philly, and we can beat ATL... I can't chalk both of those games up as losses.