Star Wars: The Force Awakens full trailer will premiere on MNF (10/19)

The correct order to watch them --

4, 5, 2, 3, 6

never watch episode 1.

My logic is, that you can view 2-6 as really Anakin's long arc from hero to villian to redemption. Episode 4 and 5 set up the current environment ending with the epic reveal that Darth Vader is the heroic Anakin Skywalker and Luke's father. Then you flash back to episode 2 and 3 to see how he went from being a heroic (but at the same time whiny, feckless, petulant boy) jedi to the dark lord of the Sith. Finally finish off with with episode 6 for his redemption.

Edit some scenes of I into a prologue for II -- the Trade Federation blockade, the queen trying to get the federation sanctioned in the senate, followed by Palpatine manipulating the body to become the new chancellor. Skip everything on Tatooine, end with the Darth Maul duel. Don't even show 10-year0old Annakin.