Star Wars: The Force Awakens full trailer will premiere on MNF (10/19)

Kylo Ren is the new Darth Maul. Merely an apprentice. Luke is the new main villain.

What most people don't realize is that the Emperor succeeded in turning Luke in ROTJ. Darth Vader caused Luke to attack out of hate and anger in the guise of protecting the identity of his sister, and when Luke saw what he did to his father, he realized the power of the dark side, turned and lied to the Emperor about not succumbing.

The Emperor realized his mistake too late, stopped taunting and tried to kill Luke fearing Luke was too powerful. Luke tricked his father into killing the Emperor for him, eliminating all competition for power in the galaxy.

I'm calling it now. Daisy is his daughter, and will eventually kill Kylo and the next 2 movies will be hunting down her father, Luke.

Two decades ago, I remember reading on some BBSes that Lucas Episodes VII - IX were supposed to show Luke fall to the dark side, only to have Leia learn the ways of the force and attempt to save Luke.

Unfortunately, I don't recall the source of the rumor. Maybe it was something Lucas mused on in an interview once in the late 80s, or something. Lots of conflicting information from that man...almost like he's just making it all up on the spot ;)

Will be interesting if this framework is still in place.

Regarding Ren being Skywalker's apprentice, did we not hear a voice over once stating something to the effect of Ren studying both the light and the dark sides of the force? Is that something Luke would be likely to teach someone, or did his apprentice go rogue...arrogantly believing he was strong enough to resist the pull of the Dark Side?

Also, I hope they don't just kill Kylo Ren like they did Darth Maul. That was such a waste of a character.