Recap of political Sunday Morning Shows...

I'd like to learn a little more about Bill Richardson, I think he will end up running. Plus, you know there is at least one candidate completely off the radar screen at this point that will get in it.

The other thing to remember for the Democrats is the electoral strategy they will have to have in the general election. You want someone that isn't in the DLC/Bill Clinton economic mold (the Party of NAFTA). And you of course cannot have a New England liberal up there. You get somebody showing a clear difference with Republicans on economic policy (outside of taxes, of course) and you pretty much shore up the midwest - even Ohio.

Richardson would be the only candidate the Dems could run on the basis of credibility and experience. He was a Congressman (most of the action is in the house), Energy Secretary (cabinet experience is a bonus), US Ambassador to the UN (foreign policy cred) and a popular Governor (governors are the best candidates for prez, plus he's a tax-cutting Dem).