What are your Christmas Traditions?

We go to church because it's important to the wife. I couldn't care less. Then we go to my MiL's house mostly to visit my wife's grandmother, whom I love to death. Her mom, not so much. Then the kids open presents from them while I continue drinking from before we went to church. After dinner and about 4 glasses of single malt scotch, I start being a smart *** to my MiL and tell her in not so many words how stupid she is and ridicule her political beliefs.

Then it devolves from there to where I tell my MiL to stop talking about her ex husband (my wife's father) and how they used to be so happy and all the stuff they did together and how that was 30 years ago and to get over it already. If they were so happy why did he bail the first chance he got? Then I tell her that she needs a man in her life, although I don't know who would be dumb enough to take that one for the team. Then we pack up and head home, eat cookies, and watch Elf. The next morning, with a slight hangover, I cook a huge breakfast. We then open presents and take naps until it's time to cook Christmas dinner, which I usually do a smoked ham. This year I'm going to smoke some ducks I shot a couple of weekends ago.

too bad this won't fit on a greeting card:9: