The Game Awards 2015

Rather than start a new thread,

The Guardian top 25 Games of 2015

1. Bloodborne
2. Witcher 3
3. Metal Gear Solid V
4. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
5. Fallout 4
6. Splatoon
7. Her Story
8. Rocket League
9. Destiny: Taken King
10. Xenoblade Chronicles X
11. Undertale
12. Grow Home
13. Life is Strange
14. Beginners Guide
15. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
16. Super Mario Maker
17. Invisible Inc
18. Tales from Borderlands
19. N++
20. Galak Z
21. Ori and the Blind Forest
22. Mushroom 11
23. Lego Dimensions
24. Until Dawn
25. Soma

I've played 9 of them and own 8 (Soma was a demo; didn't exactly shake the peaches off my tree).

Pillars of Eternity made honorable mention and I have played that more than any of the others.