NFL/NBA now have a Donald Sterling problem with Gayle Benson

Mr. Benson is playing a dangerous game.

it is possible, however unlikely, that even if he manages to win the LA court cases over the teams that the NFL will reject Gayle as an owner. this isn't the first issue she's had in her adult life that may give the owners pause. i'm not saying any of this is likely, but it is possible. i find it highly unlikely that the richest man in Louisiana, the man who owns a civic institution as important as the Saints, will lose a court case in the People's Banana Republic of Louisiana, but it's not impossible.

what Mr. Benson needs to do is sit down and hammer out a LONG long-term extension with the State that starts at the end of the current lease, whereby a serious study will be done toward determining the best way for the team and state to move forward on a rebuilt stadium inside the Superdome shell. i'm talking about 50 years. this would give everyone protection. that way even if the Rs somehow did win control of the team they'd be bound to New Orleans for the foreseeable future, at least until the sea swallows the city.