NFL/NBA now have a Donald Sterling problem with Gayle Benson

What are you talking about. She is not just the wife, she is potentially the next owner of the Saints. Forgive me for wondering about the possible owner and leadership of the team I am a fan of. I don't have the attitude of if they leave, they leave. I actually care.

I don't understand (I do) why ppl can't have different opinions around here without being insulted.

As someone who owns season tickets and lives in Houston, makes 8 trips a year, I've gotten to the point in my life where stupid stories like this doesn't bother me. I really don't give a **** what they do in their personal lives. This has NOTHING to do with Tom right now, who IS the owner. She's not the next owner until Tom dies, she could die tomorrow for Christ Sakes and never become the owner.