NFL/NBA now have a Donald Sterling problem with Gayle Benson

If you want to injure someone's character in the public eye, accuse them of racism. The accused is almost never awarded the benefit of the doubt.

So if the three Rs are scheming to disparage Gayle, this is a huge strike. Again, even if it's thrown out and never materializes, the seed of doubt is now planted and every question about Gayle going forward will be passed through a "she's allegedly a racist" filter.

I know little to nothing about Gayle Benson. I couldn't vouch for her if my life depended on it. However, with everything else going between the Bensons, I take everything with a grain of salt.

If these accusations are true, it's deeply troubling as a fan of this franchise. I choose to award her the benefit of the doubt for now.

This family stuff is ugly business and when theres millions on the line, it's all the more disgusting.

We may have to prepare for a lot more of these sleazy accusations before all this is settled.

the entire issue with this situation is this:

Are the 3Rs butthurt that Dad/Grandad took the keys to the playroom away?


Is Rita a major b-word?


Is Gayle a gold digger?


Is she the reason the Rs got cut off?


Did the Rs deserve to get cut off?


None of this is positive if all you want is solid, winning football 25-ish sundays out of the year.