NFL/NBA now have a Donald Sterling problem with Gayle Benson
There is this thing called context. There are not-so-subtle implications afoot when your employer adds "black" to her accusatory statement. Unfortunately, there isn't a handydandy list of words you can refer to that are either ALWAYS offensive or NEVER offensive. Being "politically correct" means you have to use judgement and sensitivity, and make the effort try to perceive how your words and actions might resonate and be interpreted from a minority's perspective. Nowadays people so often seem to think of this as too much to ask, but when my parents taught us to do that it was just called "good manners."
this highlights my point perfectly.
We only need to be concerned about the minority's perspective it seems. Are the majority unable to be insulted? I agree we need to courteous to all walks of life, but it is only actually news worthy in this country depending on who the offended demographic represents.
P.S. Most have forgotten that this is currently a non-verified rumor, and nothing more. From a man, who has just been fired, and has already sued this year for unpaid OT, which I believe was not proven. Now this accusation appears - and the immediate public response is what?
Everyone is pushing for equality so hard, but what is their definition of it? I pay 40%, others pay 0% or 10%. That doesn't sound equal to me. I'm sure that sentence will rile up a few, and I'll hear all of the justifications as to why it is this way, of which, none will directly pertain to me. Yet, Ill just keep losing 40% while others somehow make more then they put in, and the entire time Ill have to listen to cries for equality.
There is a lot of inequality in this world, and every demographic gets its share of the unfair stick. I could give numerous examples, as can EVERYONE in this world. This place is not fair. No one said it was. My wife has repeatedly been called "white cheeks" or "white face" by different 4th and 5th grade students over her career. Does anyone care? No, they do not. If the races were reversed, we probably could have made national news. Is that fair? No, but nobody cares. This is the opposite of equality. I am the majority race. Everyone just assumes my life is so privileged that it is unimportant when I experience inequality.
Some people have much tougher paths, others are luckier. But everyone still has to live their life. Cam Newton's son is named Chosen. Do you think he will have an entitlement issue?? LOL He seems to be starting his life from a very privileged position. It would appear that he has an easier path in life then most I would wager, but is he guarantee'd success? No, young chosen has to live his life. He will either succeed or fail in this world, based on the CHOICES and ACTIONS he makes, not his socioeconomic status or skin color.
My point, everyone is so worried about what box you come from. The actions of some from one box are tolerated while the exact same actions from others in a different box are abhorrent. Why is this? When something bad happens, people care less about what happened, then about WHO DID IT. Again, why is this?
Need more do'ers in this world, most are just complainers. You can spend your life looking for, finding, and complaining about inequality. Or you can go make the best of your opportunities, and if you don't have a lot of opportunities right now, work your tail off and create your own.