NFL/NBA now have a Donald Sterling problem with Gayle Benson


I thought your point was the following:
My point, everyone is so worried about what box you come from. The actions of some from one box are tolerated while the exact same actions from others in a different box are abhorrent. Why is this? When something bad happens, people care less about what happened, then about WHO DID IT. Again, why is this?

I tried to illustrate to you why that is.

I did not misread anything.

It is easy for those who never experienced such situations, or who are not constantly reminded of those times, to say "move forward".

Just because I am white does not make me wrong. Although in many people's mind it does.

If you want to improve this world, we must move forward. If a black person said that would you believe it? Am I currently being discriminated based on the color of my skin? Are my views irrelevant because of my skin color? That sounds a bit like discrimination.

Racism happens both ways. I have been the victim many times, as have most of this country. At 9 years old, hanging with my best friend in his all black neighborhood, I was not allowed to step on the property of the one yard with a basketball court on the street. When I spent the night at my friend's house, I literally had to sit in the street while 5-10 other boys were allowed to play, I was repeatedly called names by the parents on this street, and even threatened a few times. Imagine if the races were reversed.

In high school there is a test called the PSAT. IF you do well you get a full scholarship, to basically anywhere you want. Well I got a 174 and only qualified for "national merit SEMI-finalist" and my friend, same guy as the story above, got a 152.. But because he was a minority, he received "national merit FINALIST". We used to talk about this all the time. Even as a black man he felt this was ridiculous because I obviously did better on the same test. His parents had money, his father was an attorney and his mother a doctor. He could have afforded college. I COULD NOT. I graduated with $25,000 in student loan debts, when if I wasn't a victim of inequality, I would have gotten a free ride.

Everyone has stories, and OBVIOUSLY many people in this world have gotten it way worse than I ever have. This is not a woe is me or comparison story. This is a - 2 way problem. I don't feel most grasp that. Which cultures are truly pushing tolerance at this day an age? Talk to some elementary and middle school kids, it is shocking the difference in mentality at that age. Some cultures don't even realize there are different races at that age, some have already started forming prejudices.

My point remains, hanging on to and harboring ill will from the past will not fix this problem. It just won't.