NFL/NBA now have a Donald Sterling problem with Gayle Benson

Just because I am white does not make me wrong. Although in many people's mind it does.

If you want to improve this world, we must move forward. If a black person said that would you believe it? Am I currently being discriminated based on the color of my skin? Are my views irrelevant because of my skin color? That sounds a bit like discrimination.
My point remains, hanging on to and harboring ill will from the past will not fix this problem. It just won't.
And my counterpoint remains: It is easy for those who never experienced such situations, or who are not constantly reminded of those times, to say "move forward".

Maybe if we stop calling people " that black SOB" and we go with the more generic "that SOB", maybe then we can move forward. But as long as we use race and color to remind people of the very resent past and their subjugation, chances are we are not.