NFL/NBA now have a Donald Sterling problem with Gayle Benson

I don't think the question is whether the word "Black" is racist or if Gayle is racist. To me the question is "Why did GAYLE go against the HENRY?"

After all the years together, why did Gayle go against him? They considered him family yet she went against him.

As I see it, there is something about him that Gayle doesn't like.

In addition to an unwillingness to consider the above flip flop of perspective, it is also lame the way people so often ask, when someone has been mistreated by an employer or supervisor, "If it's so bad, why didn't you quit?"
You've got a great job that pays well, your whole life has been set up around it, your retirement plan, health coverage, you've invested years of effort and dedication. It's hard to walk away from that, especially if your family might suffer in dealing with the changes that follow. It's often an act of selflessness to try to endure and hope that things get better if you just wait it out. File this right next to, "If her husband was beating her so bad, why didn't she leave him?"