NFL/NBA now have a Donald Sterling problem with Gayle Benson


And my counterpoint remains: It is easy for those who never experienced such situations, or who are not constantly reminded of those times, to say "move forward".

Maybe if we stop calling people " that black SOB" and we go with the more generic "that SOB", maybe then we can move forward. But as long as we use race and color to remind people of the very resent past and their subjugation, chances are we are not.

You seem to be missing the entire "alleged" part. Right now we have a fired employee making claims against his old employer --- WITH ZERO PROOF.

How about this for some perspective.

1 NBA owner said to his BLACK ex-girlfiend something along the lines of "I don't like seeing you with black guys, do not bring black guys to my stadium"

1 NBA owner has come out and said " I have hated white people for most of my life."

Which is worse??????? One was unconstitutionally forced to sell his team, one has never heard a single peep about his statement. (is freedom of speech still in the bill of rights? guess it depends on your race these days)

It does not matter what happened in the past. Two wrongs don't make a right. That has been written in a book for over 3000 years, yet that simple concept is just too much to grasp for the average human. Because racism happened in the past, that justifies prejudices today? And you feel that this is somehow going to help this country?

Let's really get down to the nitty gritty here. We always here about racism and it is always assumed to be from a white person. But that is just not the case. The black culture is every bit as racist, if not more, than other cultures. Yet it is justifiable based on the past? Many people will obviously disagree with me and hey --- we are talking generalizations here so obviously not everyone fits --- but if we are truly being honest with ourselves?

Again, this is not a white person ONLY problem. This is the entire country. What we are doing is clearly not working. Maybe it is time for people to start taking ownership of their OWN ACTIONS AND CHOICES AND PREJUDICES. If you keep justifying them how will they ever go away?

Please note. I am not taking up for Sterling or his statements. I am simply pointing out a clear inequality based on people in similar power, saying similar things.