Board Games - You should be playing them. Also, April 30th is international tabletop day.

April 30th is international tabletop day, so here goes my annual board game evangelizing. Board games are great, and if you aren't playing with your friends or family you really should be. More and more we're disconnected by video games, TV and online forums. I've found board games to be a great way to spend time with friends, to make new friends and to make family get togethers more interesting.

If anyone would like to know of games I would recommend, please ask. However I can get more to come to the hobby! You'd also be coming in when the hobby is hitting it's stride, some have even called it a "renaissance".

This is BGG's link of games:
BGG tends to rank higher towards the longer games, but if anyone wants any suggestions I'd be glad to give some.

This is a game buying guide from a big game store in seattle, it's a good place to see what you might be interested in: